
Updater is a base class for process and initialize MonoCached classes. Also you can control time scale for all monos independently of basic Unity's time scale. You can get access to delta time impacted by setted time scale.

Here's list of all methods and properties available for managing objects:

Method Description
UnscaledDelta Returns default Time.deltaTime
TimeScale Returns current Updater's time scale, or sets it to value between 0 and infinite
Delta Returns current delta time multiplied by Updater's time scale
InitializeObjects(GameObject[] objs) Invokes Rise and Ready on given GameObjects, and then adds them to process
RemoveObjectsFromUpdate(GameObject[] objs) Removes all GameObjects from process
InitializeObject(GameObject obj) Invokes Rise and Ready on given GameObject, and then adds it to process
InitializeMono(MonoCached mono) Invokes Rise and Ready on given MonoCached, and then adds it to process
RemoveMonoFromUpdate(MonoCached mono) Removes given MonoCached from process